“Is my water safe?”

When it comes to water in our homes, this question is possibly the most important question one can ask. Water used at home, especially for cooking and drinking, should be clean and safe. However, although anyone can benefit from filtered water, whole house water filtration systems are still not considered standard appliances, unlike refrigerators and microwaves. In this post, we are going to discuss 6 signs you need a water filtration system at home.

Water Tastes, Smells or Looks Bad

The first step to testing the quality of tap water is by using your senses. Water can harbor many chemicals and contaminants, and most of the time, these can affect the way water appears. Does the water taste strange, smell strong, or appear unclear and contaminated? Chlorine, sulfur, metal, and algae are some chemicals and pollutants that commonly alter water quality. 

Dry Skin and Hair After Shower

Dryness of skin and hair, especially after a shower, strongly indicates that you have hard water. Hard water contains high levels of minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium. Using hard water on your body can alter your skin pH, causing its natural barrier to weaken and make the skin more susceptible to infection and irritation. Frequent use of hard water to wash hair can also cause itchiness of the scalp.

Stains on Clothes and Dishes

Stains on your clothes, dishes, and any surface that come in contact with water may indicate that water quality is poor. The presence of certain pollutants in your water can discolor your belongings and leave behind stains and white residue on your laundry and dishes.

If water appears cloudy or tainted, it will likely discolor or stain your clothing, dishes, and surfaces. In particular, iron causes rusty stains, manganese produces dark brown or black discoloration, and copper leaves behind blue or green blemishes.

Frequent Pipe Problems

A wide range of factors can cause pipe issues. Frequent plumbing problems, however, can be likely due to the poor quality of water. Water runs through pipes, and impurities in the water can corrode these pipes, which can lead to blowouts over time. Other contaminants can build up and clog pipes and drains. 

Due to its high mineral content, hard water causes limescale buildup. Limescale is the thick, white coating that builds up in your pipes, plumbing fixtures, and appliances. In this case, using a water softener can be beneficial. Over time, limescale buildup can cost you money through the appliance and plumbing repairs and replacements.

Unexplained Recurring Water-Borne Diseases

Water quality undoubtedly affects the physical appearance of water and its effect on your possessions. More importantly, some water pollutants like pathogenic microorganisms also pose health risks to you and your family. Aside from poor sanitation, contaminated water can also cause illnesses, ranging from colds, flu, and diarrhea to more serious illnesses like cholera, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever. 

Well Water Supply

Although a water filtration system is beneficial regardless of your water source, it is especially important if you get your water from a private well. Well water may contain heavy metals like arsenic and lead, harmful microorganisms, and organic chemicals like paint and pesticides, and fluoride, among many others. Well water testing should be performed regularly to ensure it is safe for use and consumption.

The Water Store’s whole house water filtration systems can solve many of your water problems. The presence of chemicals, metals, microorganisms, and other pollutants in your water can mean harm not only to your properties but more importantly to you and your family’s health.

If any of these signs are present in your water, contact us to know more about the best water filtration system for your home.